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《上古卷轴5》【情报】中文化-了解你的敌人Know Your Enemy

2021-02-22 16:46:40来源:巴哈姆特发布:zidanepaul (棒棒)

zidanepaul (棒棒) #1 2017-12-06 11:22:57
Know Your Enemy - Trait-based resistances and weaknesses by tjhm4
-看说明这MOD类似Advanced Adversary Encounters - Ultimate,但相容性应该好很多



这个MOD旨在鼓励採取不同策略打败不同种类的敌人,解决天霜中的重複性战斗问题。 你再也不能拿把弓箭就横行无阻了,而是需要灵活地应用战略面对各种敌人。

受影响的伤害类型有魔法 (分为火焰,寒霜和闪电)、物理(分为利刃,钝击和箭矢)、毒素和疾病。

属灵(火焰,寒霜和风暴)***熊(标準,洞熊和雪熊)***巢螋(标準和收割者)***殭犬***鹿***驯养的动物(鸡,牛,山羊,狗)***龙祭司***师鬼***矮人自动机械(蜘蛛,机械球和百夫长)*** 法莫***石像鬼***巨人***乌鸦鬼婆***海象***冰幻灵***魔灾游灵***长毛象***泥沼蟹***兔子***剑齿虎(标準和雪地剑齿虎)***恶鼠***骷髅***食人鱼***蜘蛛(标準和巨型)***树精(标準和树精婆)***三眼巨猿(标準和寒境三眼巨猿)***幽魂之母***野狼


「了解你的敌人」实现了一个基于特质的系统,它决定了不同生物的长处和短处。 不同类型的敌人可以有很多特质,这些特质的堆叠来确定它们的最终抵抗力。

尸鬼有4种特质 (1) 亡者,(2) 邪恶, (3) 穴居,及 (4) 意志薄弱
(1) 亡者:抵抗闪电 (-50%),抵抗钝击 (x0.5),抵抗箭矢 (x0.5),免疫毒素 (-1000%),免疫疾病 (-1000%)
(2) 邪恶:抵抗疾病 (-50%).
(3) 穴居:火焰虚弱 (+50%),抵抗寒霜 (-25%),抵抗毒素 (-50%),疾病虚弱 (+50%).
(4) 意志薄弱:魔法虚弱 (+25%)

抗性:寒霜 (-31%),闪电 (-62%),钝击 (x0.5),箭矢 (x0.5)
虚弱:火焰 (+62%)


For technical details on how the mod is implemented open the spoiler below.


This mod makes two kinds of changes that are relevant to compatibility. Magical resistances and weaknesses are magical abilities applied to races. This means there will be compatibility issues with any other mods that edit the same race records, however, a merged patch made with Mator smash will fix most of these. Physical resistances are applied as perks that are given to NPC records. There are far more NPC records than race records this is likely to cause more compatibility issues. However, the issue is somewhat mitigated by the fact that Bethesda use a limited form of inheritance (templating) between different NPC records. As before, a merged patch will fix most conflicts.

As a note, if the addPerk function could be fixed such that it worked on NPCs then this mod could work solely through racial edits, but until that happens NPC edits will be necessary too.

Know Your Enemy is extremely unlikely to cause the kind of incompatibilities that will crash your game. The worst case scenario is that it might overwrite change made by other mods (or itself be overwritten) which might mean some resistances or weaknesses fail to be applied properly. If you are willing to spend a couple of hours learning to use Mator Smash you can make your own patches as needed, otherwise see below for advice on load order. I've made a patch for Mortal Enemies available in the files section too.

Arrows and bolts tweaks - fully compatible
Birds and flocks -&&the birds added by this aren't NPCs and so you can't fight them anyway
Cats of Skyrim - all but one of the cats are in custom races and so won't be affected by KYE, the one that isn't will inherit its racial magical weaknesses, but not physical ones.
Combat evolved - fully compatible
Diverse dragons - KYE doesn't touch the dragon race as I think plenty of existing mods do a great job.
Imperious (and any other playable race mods) - KYE doesn't touch the playable races as I think there are already plenty of great alternatives.
Increased Enemy Spawns - fully compatible
Monster Mod SE -&&no conflicts, but no KYE traits will be applied to the new races created by MM. Moreover, any new NPCs of existing races will get the magic resistances/weaknesses, but not the physical ones
Morrowloot Ultimate is far more compatible than I was expecting, but there are a couple of minor conflicts which can be resolved with the patch in the file section. If you don't use the patch: MLU makes changes to the weapons carried by some types of draugr (and makes them 7% taller) and this will overwrite the physical damage resistances/weaknesses added by KYE (but the magical resistances will work fine). Personally I'd let KYE overwrite MLU in these cases, but I can see why others might disagree as you might get some seriously dangerous draugr.
Mortal enemies edits races and so seriously conflicts with KYE, but I've added a compatibility patch in the files section above. Just load the patch after both KYE and mortal enemies.
Skyrim Immersive creatures - adds a lot of new races which KYE won't mess with. Any new NPCs that use vanilla races will inherit the magical weaknesses/resistances, but not physical ones. I'll look into making a patch to extend the KYE system over these creatures.
Smilodon doesn't affect races or NPC records so its fully compatible, as are any other mods that change combat styles but not races and NPCs.
Violens - fully compatible
Wildcat - fully compatible, just like Smilodon

Minor conflicts:
Audio overhaul Skyrim 2 makes one change to the horse race, changing its impact data set to medium melee punch instead of large. If this is critical you can use Mator Smash to combine them, but I would just let KYE overwrite AOS2
Cloaks of Skyrim adds cloaks to dragon priests by editing the NPC records, the same way that KYE gives them physical resistances and weaknesses. You can have both with a merged patch, otherwise which ever is later in your load order will win out.
High level enemies - almost 100% conflict free but it changes the level of dragon priests which conflicts with the perks to them added by KYE. I'd let HLE overwrite KYE in this case. Otherwise the magic resistances/weaknesses will be inherited by the new NPCs added by HLE, but the physical resistances/weaknesses will not. If there is demand I'll think about making a patch.
skyBirds and Birds of Skyrim make several changes to chickens. To keep these you should load these mods after KYE. This will mean the KYE resistances and weaknesses of chickens will be lost, but unless you are desperate to fight chickens this is no great loss. The new birds added by these mods are in their own races and so won't be affected by KYE at all, though hopefully you don't spend your time attacking them anyway.

Major conflicts:
Advanced adversary encounters makes similar changes to Know Your Enemy and then some. Which ever you load last will overwrite the other. AAE will overwrite virtually all of KYE, KYE will overwrite AAE's racial and NPC changes, but leave the combat styles and leveled list changes untouched. You could make a merged patch but this would combine the effects of the two mods and (almost certainly) produce weird and undesirable results.
Revenge of the enemies, lots of conflicts and no point making a patch because it would make enemies OP (even more so than RoTE does already). If you want super tough enemies go for RoTE, if you want a more varied experience without radically changing difficulty go for KYE.

个人认为本MOD构想其实很棒,也能搭配Skyrim Revamped - Complete Enemy Overhaul《天霜改造-彻底的敌人大修》使用
不过最近在公民那边游说了网友 我_已经杯具 愿意製作PATCH....虽不知何时...所以我继续更新中文顺便顶帖好了^^

看较旧的 19 则留言

我的骑兵怎幺这幺可爱: 02-06 20:39


你没有巴哈姆特: 08-14 20:33


棒棒: 08-15 08:51

很久没碰这mod了,这个之后会由 EdB knight5566 大接坑,过几天应该就发文了^^

Atrus (山寨老王) #2 2017-12-06 22:33:38
大部分SE版的MOD 中文化转传奇版的时候,大多直接拿SE版的中文化,过一下字典就好。


&&&&抓SE版MOD与其中文化,开SE版 Translator 过中文化,然后存字典档即可
&&&&这边有用 Translator 应该都知道怎样做,就不多说了。

2.进 Translator 目录
&&&到目录下找 UserDictionaries \ SkyrimSE 下,找你刚存的字典档,大多是 ESP 的名字
&&&複製到同在 UserDictionaries 下的 Skyrim 目录里


看较旧的 3 则留言

棒棒: 12-07 07:47


zidanepaul (棒棒) #3 2017-12-07 11:05:37
hor006: 12-07 13:46


棒棒: 12-07 14:55


zidanepaul (棒棒) #4 2018-02-09 00:47:04
个人认为本MOD构想其实很棒,也能搭配Skyrim Revamped - Complete Enemy Overhaul《天霜改造-彻底的敌人大修》使用
不过最近在公民那边游说了网友 我_已经杯具 愿意製作PATCH....虽不知何时...所以我继续更新中文顺便顶帖好了^^

jerrymean (铭言) #5 2018-05-03 20:32:34

看较旧的 6 则留言

EdB: 08-11 21:20


EdB: 08-11 21:20


EdB: 08-11 21:20


TAG: 中文化   情报   敌人



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