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2021-02-22 16:33:24来源:巴哈姆特发布:stone471 (stone.shr)

stone471 (stone.shr) #1 2019-09-07 11:46:49
模组名称:Enemy Variations Wenches
传奇版:传奇版网址 LE

简单说明:An extension of Lordkoz's wench mods & remake of Enemy Variety V3. Adds somewhere around 5796 npcs (mostly enemies) of every race to level lists (bandits, warlocks, assassins, soldiers, forsworn, cultists, ghosts, draugr, falmer, dwarven, forsworn, vampires, and more.). Also an optional file to add 22 followers based on the new enemies.



装了之后,各城守卫和甚幺盗贼之类,都会有受到影响,当然原作者也提供特定服装的增加如Tera和Immersive Armors,常用的法术和天赋也有Patch可以附加到NPC上。


PRIMARY - These are REQUIRED for the mod to work
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch
Immersive Wenches
KS Hairdos SSE

PATCHES - Required if you use these mods listed below, if you don't use these at least check them out.
Skyrim Immersive Creatures
Imperious - Races of Skyrim

OPTIONAL - These are NOT REQUIRED for the mod to work but are needed with certain optional files.
Recommended to solve any issues with unvoiced dialogue being too rapid to read
Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice

Followers Add-on Requirements
Relationship Dialogue Overhaul (Required to use the Followers Add-on optional file, without it you can't talk to them)

Uncut Optional File Requirements
Hateful Wenches
Forgotten Wenches
Judgement Wenches

Spells Add-ons Requirements
Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim (Needed to use the Spells Add-on - Apocalypse optional file)
Arcanum - A New Age of Magic (Needed for any Spell Add-ons with Arcanum or Arc in the name)
Shadow Spell Package (Needed for any Spell Add-ons with Shadow in the name)
Spectraverse - Magic of the Magna Ge (Needed for any Spell Add-ons with Magna in the name)
Dwemertech - Magic of the Dwarves (Needed for Spells Add-on - Dwemer, separate from other Spells Add-ons)

Perks Add-ons Requirements
Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim (Needed to use the Perks Add-on - Ordinator optional files)

Armor Add-ons Requirements
The Amazing World of Bikini Armor (Needed for ALL Armor Add-on optional files)
The Amazing World of Bikini Armor (Most SSE conversions have different file paths, this CBBE one might work though)
Legendary Armors - DeserterX Collection SSE (Needed for ALL Armor Add-on optional files & as of 2.2 ALL Weapons Add-on optional files, esp not required)
DX Cassandra Apocrypha Robes (Needed for ALL Armor Add-on optional files)
DX Demon Armor (Needed for ALL Armor Add-on optional files)
DX Celes Mercy Outfit (Needed for ALL Armor Add-on optional files)
DX Celes Rogue Armor (Needed for ALL Armor Add-on optional files)
DX Stella Mithril Armor (Needed for ALL Armor Add-on optional files)
Immersive Armors (Needed for Armor Add-on optional files that are have IA in the name, however not for NO IA)
Tera Armors Collection - Special Edition (Needed for Armor Add-on optional files that have Tera in the name)

Guard Armor Add-ons Requirements
Immersive Armors (Needed for Armor Add-on optional files that are have IA in the name, however not for NO IA)
Heavy Legion SSE (Needed for Guard Armor Add-ons & Weapons Add-ons optional files with GR in the name)
Guards Armor Replacer SSE (Needed for Guard Armor Add-ons & Weapons Add-ons optional files with GR in the name)

Weapons Add-ons Requirements
Heavy Armory - New Weapons (Needed to use the Weapons Add-on - HA optional file)
DX Factions Crossbows SE (Needed for ALL Weapons Add-ons)
Heavy Legion SSE (Needed for Guard Armor Add-ons & Weapons Add-ons optional files with GR in the name)
Guards Armor Replacer SSE (Needed for Guard Armor Add-ons & Weapons Add-ons optional files with GR in the name)
Summeryst - Enchantments of Skyrim (Needed for Armor/Weapons Add-on - Enchantments - Summermyst)

看较旧的 2 则留言

stone.shr: 09-07 13:55


赖光妈妈快来: 09-11 01:55


stone.shr: 09-11 08:48


stone471 (stone.shr) #2 2019-09-11 09:40:02





A00 主程式
A05 等级列表(我有装SIC)
A11 守卫的声音
A12 让NPC也会使用Apocalypse的法术
A14 增加NPC服装种类:Adds custom & Tera armors to EVW NPC's armor level lists.
A15 增加的服装会有附魔:Adds enchanted versions of added custom armors, does not include Immersive Armors nor Tera.
A17 守卫护甲种类增加:Adds Heavy Legion, Guard Replacer, & Immersive armors to EVW guards & soldiers.
A18 武器种类增加:Adds weapons from Heavy Armory, Heavy Legion, & Guard Replacer to EVW NPC items lists
A19 武器附魔:Adds enchanted versions of new weapons (DX & Heavy Armory) to level lists.
A20 武器附魔支援Summermyst:Adds Summermyst enchanted versions of new weapons to level lists, Weapons Add-on - Enchantments is required.

DX Cassandra Apocrypha Robes (Needed for ALL Armor Add-on optional files)
DX Demon Armor (Needed for ALL Armor Add-on optional files)
DX Celes Mercy Outfit (Needed for ALL Armor Add-on optional files)
DX Celes Rogue Armor (Needed for ALL Armor Add-on optional files)
DX Stella Mithril Armor (Needed for ALL Armor Add-on optional files)

Heavy Legion SSE (Needed for Guard Armor Add-ons & Weapons Add-ons optional files with GR in the name)
Guards Armor Replacer SSE (Needed for Guard Armor Add-ons & Weapons Add-ons optional files with GR in the name)



另外Heavy Armory - New Weapons我有搭配Animated Armour - Heavy Armoury Compatability Patch v2.0
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