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《暗黑破坏神》【情报】 消息, D2重製Alpha 4/9 ~ 4/12. Q amp;A(已翻译)

2021-04-07 16:28:57来源:巴哈姆特发布:nk781226 (Bartc)

nk781226 (Bartc) #1 2021-04-07 05:29:35

4/9 ~ 4/12开放

1. 只开放单人模式
2. 只开放第一第二章
3. 只开放野蛮人, 法师, 亚马逊

以下是我对 Q A的翻译

Q: How do I take part in the Technical Alpha?
我如何参加Alpha ?

A: Starting this Friday, a limited amount of PC players who have pre-registered on the Diablo II: Resurrected website will be able to download the Technical Alpha. Invitations to the Technical Alpha will be distributed throughout the day in waves starting at 7:00 AM (PT).
自这周五开始, 部分之前已预先注册这次 的玩家将可以在官网上下载PC 版. 邀请名额会陆续在週五( 时间4/9 晚上10点后)后分批发放.

Q: If I’m unable to participate in this Technical Alpha, will I have a chance to participate in a future test?
如果没参加到这次 , 以后还有机会吗?

A: The Diablo II: Resurrected Technical Alpha is only the first test. There will be at least one other chance to participate in a future test.
这次只是第一次 . 之后至少还会有一次能玩 的机会

Q: Are test participants permitted to capture, record, or stream the Diablo II: Resurrected Technical Alpha?
请问参与 的玩家是否被允许撷取纪录或直播这次 内容?

A: Yes, all players are allowed to capture, record, or stream the throughout the test.
可以. 每一个玩家都可以在本 中作上述行为.

Q: How long will the Technical Alpha last?
这次 会持续多久?

A: The Technical Alpha will run until 10:00 AM (PT) on Monday, April 12th. This will allow us to get the right amount of play feedback and client performance data. Reference this Time Zone Converter to identify when the test will end in your region.
这次 会持续到4/12早上10点(PT). 这次 会让我们获取所需的玩家游玩体验和客户端的运作数据. 请用PT这个时区来确认本次 会何时在你的时区结束. ( 时间4/13凌晨一点结束)

Q: Why are there only three cl es playable in the Technical Alpha?
为什幺这次 只开放三个职业?

A: Diablo II: Resurrected will launch with seven playable cl es—the Amazon, Barbarian, Sorceress, as well as the Ass in, Necromancer, Druid and Paladin. Currently, we are focusing our play testing on these three cl es. We will be including other cl es in the upcoming testing phase.
D2重製正式发售后将会有七个职业 - 你知道的那七个懒得打. 目前我们正专注在这三个职业的运作 . 我们会在未来的 中开放其余职业.

Q: Why is the Technical Alpha only single-player?
为什幺这次 只有单人模式?

A: Diablo II: Resurrected will launch with multiplayer, however, for the scope of this test we will be focusing on early s, the three playable cl es, and client performance data. We will be including multi-player in an upcoming playable testing phase.
D2重製正式发售后将会有多人模式. 但对于这次 我们的目标是放在游戏前期的系统, 三个开放 的职业, 还有客户端游戏运作的数据. 我们会在未来的 中开放多人模式.

PLEASE NOTE: Although the Technical Alpha is single-player, an internet connection is still required to download the client and play the single-player in the test. The final will permit off-line play in single-player mode, but you will be required to connect to the internet periodically to check for updates.
注意: 虽然这次 只有单人模式, 但你必要有网路来下载游戏且必须保持网路连线来玩这次的单人 . 游戏最终发售后可以不需要连线来玩单人模式, 但你还是需要定时连线在确保有没有新的更新.

Q: Why are Acts 1 II only playable in the Technical Alpha?

A: Diablo II: Resurrected will launch with the full narrative experience of the , alongside the narrative content of the expansion, Lord of Destruction. For this test, we really want to hone in on early play in the settings of Acts I II.
D2重製在正式发售会有完整的游戏体验, 包括毁灭之王资料片. 但在这次 中我们想专注在第一第二章节的游戏设定.

Q: Why are the old in- cinematics in the Technical Alpha? Isn’t Diablo II: Resurrected getting updated cinematics?
为什幺这次 会有旧版的游戏动画? 难道这次D2 重製没有翻新这些动画?

A: The old in- cinematics are placeholder in the Technical Alpha as the updated cinematics are still undergoing development.
大概意思就是这次 中的游戏动画还是旧的是因为新动画还在开发中, 大概是为了能让游戏和 顺利运行, 就只好先把旧版的放上去. 所以这些旧动画目前只是暂时的填充物罢了.

Q: Why is the Technical Alpha PC-only? Will console players be able to test Diablo II: Resurrected?
为什幺这次 只有PC平台? 主机平台会有机会玩 吗?

A: Diablo II: Resurrected will be launching on Windows PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, and Xbox Series S. We will be including console players in our future play test phase.
D2重製正式发售时会登陆PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, and Xbox Series S. 未来我们会开放游戏主机的 .

Q: Will my progression from the Technical Alpha carry over to the next test or launch of the ?
在这次 里我的游戏纪录能被保存并在未来 或正式发售时继续使用吗? (怎幺可能= =)

A: No, all progression garnered from the Technical Alpha will be nontran erable to later tests or the launch of the .
不会. 在这次 里的所有纪录都不能被用在 或正式发售后.

Q: Will I be able to load my Diablo II save file into the Technical Alpha?
在 版本里我能用我自己的存档来玩吗?

A: No, save files will not be able to be imported into the Technical Alpha.
不能. 存档无法在这次 版本里被导入.

Q: Will the Technical Alpha have controller support?
这次 支援手把吗?

A: The Technical Alpha will have controller support. However, this is still under development so any feedback will be valuable for us during this testing phase.
有. 但这功能还在开发阶段所以任何使用体验的反馈对我们来说都是很重要的数据.

PLEASE NOTE: The controller support on PC does not fully represent the controller support experience on console. Controller support on console will have unique user interfaces, button layouts, and different option defaults to streamline the native controller interface.
这段意思就是PC端的手把支援和设定和游戏主机的不同. 游戏主机的手把支援设定会有主机独有的设计.

Q: When will Diablo II: Resurrected be released?

A: We do not have a release to share at this time, but it will be coming in 2021.
我们目前没办法公布正式发售时间. 但它会在2021发售.

看较旧的 4 则留言

Bartc: 4 小时前

[gar792200:佣兵先生] 一开放我就登记申请了...希望有抽到+1

YoYo: 3 小时前

话说D2R伺服器是跟D2分开 然后存档可以共用 是这样吗?

爵士猫: 2 小时前


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