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决战奥格瑞玛宣传片 4分钟CG 英文台词

2021-03-28 16:46:23来源:互联网发布:果果 查看评论

求大神帮我扒决战奥格瑞玛 4分钟CG 这段英文台词

兽人:It thirsts,bring it to the pools
熊猫:Enough! you have ran bad for far too long Helscream. But that stops now.
兽人:Ha ha ha ha. Step aside, panda, you can found a force beyond Reckoning.
熊猫:Your father deviled in powers beyond Reckoning, where is he now? I have fought beside Vitoran, Drolls and others. You are nothing like them.
兽人:I am no longer a part of my heart.
熊猫:The world will hear of this, they will come for you.
兽人:Yes, I am counting on it, beyond this of the world will come for me. And within my fortress, they will face all the terrible creatures I have wrote. The bondless power I have mastered. And one by one, they will fall at my feet. Anyone he would rise against my new heart, will be impaled apart by our spires of them all. You panda try to bear your hate and your anger, but such power can not be contained, it must be unleashed.
熊猫:A time will come when you will answer for your crime
兽人:I answer to no one. All you challenge me will burn in the fireS of my hatred.





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